Thought on new subcategories?

Anyone have tips or thoughts on the best use of the new subcategories available in the marketplace? Having a limit of 3 possible categories leaves me undecided on how specific to be when listing possible uses (keep it broad or go ahead and narrow in??).


ooh, I haven’t seen the new subcategories yet!
I try to “test”… I change categories when names are not getting attention.
I am looking forward to what people have to say about this. I don’t know the answer!


I’m like you @Commulinks - I change mine around every couple of months.


I’m really not sure. If subcategories were separate (we could still have one primary use, three other possible uses, and then maybe three subcategories) I would be more comfortable. Using subcategories in most cases seems like it would really narrow a name’s viewing potential.


I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the term “universal” could be included in the “categories” section. After all, an universal name can be taken into account by a large number of potential buyers. And we have a lot of such practically universal names that fit a lot of activities.


I like this and could use a Universal Category.


Although I welcome new categories such as “Website & Graphic Design” but I don’t like sub-categories… these add a level of complexity and return us back to past situation of too many sub-categories to chose from.

What really matters about this is how end user will use these sub-categories in search, currently I don’t see subcategories in main SH search and I think when implemented it will make search highly crowded and complex. So if this is final they must find a clever solution for the integration in search functionality.

I was hoping for “Abstract” or “General” category to be added to incubate versatile madeup names

@grant please tell us if this is final or you will change it? so that we don’t waste time updating our names and then discover that this will change again.


I absolutely don’t like the introduction of subcategories, it overloads the search for domains. I believe that the categories Abstract and Universal should be added


I haven’t yet seen the changes but “Generic Brand Name” or just Generic is the correct usage instead of Universal IMHO.

“Coined Word/Abstract” and probably an “Emerging Technology” kinda subcategory would be nice.


New categories do not have lifestyle images yet.
@grant are these categories final or subject to change?