Pay extra for exposure?

Does anyone have experience with paying 3 dollars extra for your standard listing names?
Does it help at all to get anything sold, or is it wasted dollars?
It seems to me like the general market place (not the premium one) would be really hard to even find on the SH main page for a potential customer.
I can hardly find it myself, nor can I find my own domains if I search for them by typing them in exactly the way they are. They still don’t show up first.
Has anyone sold a name on standard listing before outside of a contest?
Thank you!!

100% waste of money.
It does enable you to submit them to contests.
And that is 80% waste of money.

I am super disappointed in the WLM, where my names have gotten something like 9 VIEWS over many months.

WLM is apparently only for domainers who do outbound sales or need landing pages and do tons of their own outreach. Otherwise, it is a total bust.


Thanks for answering, Commulinks!!
Appreciate it.
I suppose paying for Google ads is more valuable then. I completely understand that SH wants to draw the main attention to their Premium Marketplace, but it appears that the only way to find the other one, is if you know the exact address and type it into your browser.
So people with standard listing names need to share
online to spread the word I suppose.
Thanks again.


@Iselin You have the option to increase the commission from 7.5% to 20% for standard listings, instead of paying $3 upfront. Regardless of which option you choose the only benefits for you will be that you will be able to submit your standard listings to contests and your standard names will be included in retargeting (meaning that visitors to your landing pages will be targeted with ads for your name on social media and elsewhere). I don’t think you can ever find your standard names in the premium marketplace, even if you paid $3 and even if you typed them to the last symbol - simply because they’re not there. The $3 don’t have anything to do with the premium marketplace. :slight_smile:

In regards to the last sentence - you can share your domain itself if the the DNS is set to SH nameservers. Or you can create WLM - and put your portfolio on it, and share the link to the WLM.

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Thanks, Anton!
Yes, I understand that the premium marketplace is separate from the domain marketplace.
It just seems like customers would have a very hard time finding or ending up in the domain marketplace at all. It is very well hidden on SquadHelp’s main page.
It’s understandable that the Premium Marketplace would be in the front, since this is SH business site, but why hide the standard marketplace? It’s really heard to find without the exact URL.

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*hard, not “heard”:slight_smile:

The idea of SquadHelp is to be a marketplace for curated domain names mainly. Logically premium names that have passed their review process gain more exposure compared to the ones that failed the review process. You should agree that not every name is a good fit. There has to be some sort of clear distance between the two types of names. If they make it easier for standard listings to be discovered through the main site, the whole curation process will lose its meaning.

I understand why only approved names are listed on the marketplace and are searchable through the SH main site.

But as I said if you want to use SH for your standard listings as well you still can. Make your own WLM, so all your names appear in one easy to share place (the link to your WLM). Add exposure (I don’t pay $3 upfront, but instead I agree on the higher commission of 20%). Do all the tagging needed - industries, possible uses, keywords and so on (if you don’t want to do it yourself you can pay other creatives to do it for you for $1 or $2). Add relevant images to your names. Make logos for your best names - a logo design will cost you $5. In order to use the landers you create you will have to point name servers at SH. From settings of your WLM you can select which lander you use - the SH one or WLM one. If you use the WLM landers, visitors to your standard listings will be sent to your WLM, so they may see some of your other names, too. Also such visitors to your names will be retargeted with the names they viewed on social media and other websites.

Anyway you will have to invest time and money to make your names more popular. It is surely not easy. Try to have as many of your names as possible in the premium marketplace. Even if one is rejected, submit it for review again after 60 days.


Alright. Thank you for the detailed answer. I have already added relevant images, done the tagging, paid the 3 dollars, added description and some social media.

I haven’t paid for professional logos though.
Social media is a never ending battle I suppose:)

Anyway, thank you. Appreciate it!

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One more thing in relation to logo designs. Please note that even if you paid $3 for extra exposure if you decide to use your own logos, your names won’t be included in retargeting campaigns. Only names with logos made by SH approved designers participate in retargeting. This is because lots of people tend to think that they can be good designers, when most of them are actually not. I have seen lots of domainers designing their own logos on other sites, and trust me it’s not a nice thing to observe. It’s full of real ugly stuff. While some can be good, most are real sh*t. That’s why SH have chosen to only trust designers they can regulate in some way.

Anyway I think you are wasting your $3 - the exposure you will get for it is not worth the 3 bucks. Go with the 20% commission instead. If something sells you will pay more to SH, yes! But 7.5% or 20% of zero is still zero. If the name doesn’t sell the commission means nothing. Paying money upfront is not smart. If you want to spend money - better spend it on logos or copywriting. Having a logo for your name is much more beneficial than paying $3 in order to get the very few random visitors to your names being spammed with them on Facebook. Such people are most likely not even looking to buy domains. Waste of money it is.

Even better idea - pay for a facebook ad and target the right people with the $3. Will have more effect for sure.

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Okay, good to know!
I have just used the pictures SH provides for free. Hopefully those do not block retargeting:)
Thanks again!

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@Iselin No, the visual images are okay for retargeting. Only logos you would upload by yourself are not okay. No matter if they are good or bad. :slight_smile: