By the way just found out

I didnt relalize you could enter a contest on the same day you sign up if sh assigns it to you - I thought all new people had to wait a couple of days for new contests to begin


I believe as long as the contest starts AFTER they’ve become a member then they’re eligible. They could sign up, start browsing, and an hour later someone begins a new contest. If SH invites them, they’re good to go :slight_smile:

No better way to learn than to jump right in. You don’t learn much watching ratings change and no names to view with it etc.

indeed some people trend with one entry in one contest ;-), so it would appear they dont need to learn anything


Must be nice lol :wink: 20 blah blah blah

@Jose… Yah, Been noticing it happening more often again, lately. Still highly suspicious of some of them. Is it still ok to mention that these days?

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There have been cases where top trenders and winners were signed up a day or a few before the opening of a contest. (Hope it’s ok to say this)

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