How Would You Improve The Site?

Just wanted to bring this suggestion back to the forefront…getting the “sorry, you can’t submit” notice earlier is the #1 improvement I would like to see. Writing a description, tagging uses and categories only to click submit and find out all that work was wasted is a huge time killer. Even a save feature so we can keep our work to submit later would be really appreciated.


@Grant and the team: Thanks so much for doing this so fast. Much appreciated!


Not having a trademark check is costing us creatives time, as well; I also would like to have that.


@Grant. Hi, during audience testing, is it possible for the audience to be able to see the explanation of the name.
Thank you


when they ask for abstract … type thing I send and EXPL and as soon as you get a LOVE get that thought in right away…

Thank you for this thought. This is not currently part of the standard audience testing process.

I’d like it if the creative’s name was shown with IDs. I’m always curious who created some of them.

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@grant A really long time a go I suggested a feature to search for creatives in order to view their stats etc. Darpan (Dan at the time) had replied and while I don’t remember exactly what he said it seemed like he supported it. Is this something that we can revisit?


I just noticed that the ‘message’ functon for creatives is longer there. Has that been eliminated? I love sending individual ‘congratulations’ to some of the winners, and hope it will be reinstated.

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Hmm, that’s strange. I just went to the winner’s page and selected the first creative on there, when it took me to their profile there was an option to message them near the top right. Wonder why you don’t have it?!?!

That is strange, I’ll try someone else’s name then. I clicked on the name from the winner’s page and it took me to her profile with no message option.

Ok, I just checked and I have the message option but on this particular person there is not. Is there something in our profiles that you click if you don’t want messages? Im too lazy to check :slight_smile:

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Lol I feel ya on that. Sometimes it’s just easier to ask then to hunt! I’m not positive but I think there is an option of that nature.

i think let it be without creative’s name on it. :grin:

I get it. I can think of several reasons why I wouldn’t want the creatives name shown either, but at the same time, I just get so curious lol

Thanks for sharing :slightly_smiling_face:

We will eventually build this feature but it is not in our short-term plan.

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I am still getting the “sorry, this name is in an active contest” message after trying to submit a name to the marketplace, even though there is no green box around the name and the most recent contest it was in has closed.


It may not be YOUR entry, it may be someone else has the same entry in an open contest. That has happened to me a few times.


If that’s the case then ALL instances of the name for ANYONE that may have the name should be outlined. Maybe this is an idea to add to the site since creatives don’t have ‘first submitted’ protections – all instances of the name should be highlighted in the aforementioned case, each name that has been submitted by multiple creatives should be able to be tracked by those creatives somehow (i.e., in the ‘my entries’ page, there could be links to all contests the name has been used in – whether you were the one that submitted it or not) – this I see is important because if people are subbing names that have been subbed before (by themselves or someone else) all people using that name should know when that name may be picked up because that would make domain names that have suddenly become not available more easy to report, I would think – or at least it would help in the reporting process. Not sure if this makes sense, but it does in my head. To better explain, say I subbed the name to a contest, it wasn’t picked but it is a name I really liked and wanted to use again and then you subbed the name a few months later and it wins or is just registered, then we would both be wondering how/why the domain is no longer available and would try to report it but it would make it more difficult for SH to figure out the validity of the registration because it being subbed into multiple contests by multiple creatives. This seems like a lot of mess, but that’s my opinion.

An idea for this site is when a contest is pending, it should update if the CH is in the process of audience testing and if it’s moved on to trademark testing. Like instead of having to click on each contest to see if there has been any activity on it from the contest holder it should just say ‘Pending - in process of audience testing’ or ‘Pending- Trademark review’. Also the contest holder should be encouraged to give an idea when a name will be picked.


Hadn’t thought of that. It would be helpful then if there was a message specific to that situation, like “Another Creative currently has this name submitted to an active contest.” Otherwise, I just naturally assume that the system is buggy and not recognizing when a contest has really ended.