About the Community questions & support category

Get help from your fellow peers on any Squadhelp-related topic.

This is a peer-run category for creatives of all levels to help each other with any questions or concerns. You can post “How to” related questions or any other topics where you seek input from other members of the community.

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When I submit a potential name to a company - I see a listing for acceptable domain types. Do I need to check if the domain is available in order to submit the name?

SH has a built in checker for most of the domain extension types. You can also check yourself if you would like to, but generally you don’t have to. When you type in the name, and then select the domain type. the domain checker will be run and tell you below the entry if there is any problems or the name is taken.

23 days have passed and my payment has not yet been received

Hi, I would like to ask a question, in the case I’m starting now, I have to send up to three logos to be evaluated, can I use any name?

Hi Friends! Yesterday I had a shortlisted entry be removed from the shortlist, so I decided to submit it to the marketplace instead because it is a great 2 syllable real word .com domain. However, I learned that the domain is no longer available today. How do I check to see who registered it? It is possible that the contest holder registered it since they liked it. How can I find out? Thank you in advance.